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Model Setup

In order to deploy and run the Web Application successfully, you will need to set up several models - specifically Properties, Certificates, and Fees.

Access the Django Admin by browsing to: http://localhost:8000/admin

Properties Model

  1. From the left-hand side, select "Properties"

Model Setup Properties

  1. Select "Add Property" from the top-right corner
  2. Enter the relevant information and click "Save"

Model Setup Properties 2

The property you just added should now be saved and viewable within the Properties section:

Model Setup Properties 3

Tax Rate Model

  1. From the left-hand side menu, select "Tax Rates"

Model Setup Tax

  1. Click "Add Tax Rate" from the top-right corner
  2. Enter details for the Tax Rate
  3. Check "Is Active"
  4. Click "Save"

Model Setup Tax 2

Your new Tax Rate is now saved:

Model Setup Tax 3

Fees Model

  1. From the left-hand side menu, select "Fees"

Model Setup Fee

  1. Select "Add Fee" from the top-right corner
  2. Enter the desired Fee details
  3. Apply Tax Rate if applicable
  4. Click "Save"

Model Setup Fee

Your saved Fee is now available:

Model Setup Fee

Certificates Model

  1. From the left-hand side menu, select "Certificates"

Model Setup Certificates

  1. From the top-right, select "Add Certificate"
  2. Add required details:
  3. Name
  4. Price
  5. Tax Rate (if applicable)
  6. Description

Model Setup Certificates

  1. If a Fee should be associated with the Certificate:
  2. Select the Fee Name
  3. Click "+"

Model Setup Certificates

  1. Click "Save"

Your new Certificate is now saved. Repeat these steps for any additional certificates required.

Model Setup Certificates

Certificate Contains

Some Certificates contain all of one type and have other features, similar to a Parent-Child relationship. To create a Certificate Contains relationship:

  1. Select the Certificate you want to make the Parent

Model Setup Certificate Contains

  1. From the bottom, select the Certificate you want to be the Child
  2. Click the "→" button to move it to the Child section

Model Setup Certificate Contains

  1. Click "Save"

Order Model

An Order is created when a User completes payment successfully. All relevant information is shown, including which Certificates are required.

Model Setup Order