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Order Certificate

Property Lot Finding & Selecting

Input the parcel details to find your property lot:

  • Lot: Enter the property-associated Lot Number
  • Section: Enter the Section Number
  • Deposited Plan: Enter the Deposited Plan Number

Model Setup Certificate Contains

Alternatively, you can search for a property by entering its Street Address in the appropriate field.

Search for Property

Select the Find button to return a list of matching properties.

Matching Assessments

If match(es) are found, a list will be displayed corresponding to the parcel details entered. Carefully review the matching property, select it, and click Next.

Model Setup Certificate Contains

Parcel Selection

Carefully review the parcel information, containing Lot, Section, and Deposited Plans. Select the property and click Next.


This is the lot that your order will be associated with.

Model Setup Certificate Contains

Certificate Selection

Select Certificates

From the list of available certificates, select the ones you require. Each certificate provides specific information. Select your required certificates from the list provided.

Model Setup Certificate Contains

Urgent Fee

You have the option to request urgent turnaround for an additional fee.

Confirm Selection

Carefully review the selected certificates and any urgent fees.

Your Details

Contact Information

To proceed with ordering certificates, please enter:

  • Full Name
  • Business Name

Model Setup Certificate Contains

Review your entered information and move on to the Payment section.

Order Summary

Your order will be summarized, including any certificates and urgent fees (inclusive of GST). Carefully review your order and select Submit.

Model Setup Certificate Contains


You will be redirected to the Stripe Payment Gateway. Enter your details:

Model Setup Certificate Contains

If your payment is successful, you will receive an email with a link to your order.